Vietnam Ly Dynasty & Hwa-San Ly'(花山李氏)s Family
Vietnam Ly Dynasty & Hwa-San Ly'(花山李氏)s Family
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.06.24 21:09
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(화산이씨 종친회 이희연 회장)

베트남 대사관 모임에 가면 화산이씨 종친회의 존재와 그들의 역사문화적 가치를 알 수 있다. 百聞不如一見이란 作心으로, 국제부의 시각을 가지고 뉴스가치(News Value)를 찾아 호기심을 발동시켰다. 영국의 세계적 사학자 ‘카아’교수는 역사는 현재와 과거의 끊임없는 대화라고 규정했다.

화산이씨(花山李氏)가문의 역사의 수레바퀴를 잠깐 멈추고, 이를 영문으로 기사화 해본다

(국제부 이명근 기자)

One centralism-based dynasty, named 'Ly Dynasty'(AD1009-1226), was appeared in history of Vietnam, with the first unification of country.

The founder was 'Ly Thai-To', whose family name was 'Ly'(李).

He set up the new capital in 'Honoi' area, and started to enjoy prosperous Ly Dynasty's period, building up dynasty's power that no Vietnamese experienced before.

After more than 200 year prosperity, 'Ly Dynasty' faced the unexpected situation, in which 'Chen'(陳)family, one of maternal relations of 'Ly' Royal family, usurp the throne, which enhanced the collapse of 'Ly Dynasty in 1226 AD'

A prince of the blood Royal, named 'Ly Yong Sang‘(李龍祥), escaped from Vietnam with scores of vassal to find the safety where they can survive from bloody orgy of killing.

They sailed on the sea, and finally arrived Korean peninsula, where at that time 'Corea Dynasty'(高麗王朝/AD918-1392) has existed.

He settled down there, and become a founder of 'Hwa-San Ly's family(花山李氏) in Korea, living from generation to generation together with Koreans.

'Our family has an important role in making 'Non government-based diplomacy' between Korea and Vietnam. Because Vietnam's government has thought that they could find Vietnamese 'flesh and blood' in Korea' said Mr.H Y Ly, the Chairman of 'Hwa-San Ly's family meeting.

'As you know, AD 2010 is the year of millenary capital 'Hanoi'. Because it has 1000 year history-based capital. But it was 'Ly dynasty' that was the first to construct Hanoi as their capital, as well as center of Vietnamese culture and economy' he continued.

According to Mr.H Y Ly, 'Hwa-San Ly's family plan to make a foundation for promotion of study, with which lots of Vietnamese students be received a favor.

In addition, he said 'If given a chance, we'd like to make a cultural event for Korea-Vietnam's future with association of Vietnam Embassy and Korean Goverment'

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