Indonesia's President to Korea on July 23.
Indonesia's President to Korea on July 23.
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.07.21 23:03
  • 댓글 0
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President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and first lady Ani Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia are scheduled to make a state visit to Korea from July 23 in return for the state visit paid by President Roh Moo-hyun to Indonesia in December last year.

The two leaders will hold a summit July 24 and review action plans and follow-up measures for the Joint Declaration between the both on Strategic Partnership to Promote Friendship and Cooperation in the 21st Century, which was signed during President Roh’s state visit to Indonesia last year.

According to Office of the President, The two leaders are also expected to discuss ways to boost bilateral cooperation in various areas, including politics, security, the economy, trade, development collaboration, civic society and culture.

'The two presidents will discuss issues pertaining to the Korean Peninsula such as the North Korean nuclear program and inter-Korean relations as well as the recent developments in Southeast Asia. So, they will also exchange views on ways to foster close cooperation in the United Nations and other international venues' said Office of the President.

인도네시아 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 대통령과 영부인 Ani Bambang Yudhoyono 여사가 지난해 말 노무현 대통령의 인도네시아 방문에 대한 답방 형식으로 오는 23일 국빈 자격으로 한국을 방문한다.

이번 기간중 양국정상은 21세기를 향한 전략적 우호관계의 공동성명도 채택한다.

청와대에 따르면, 양국 정상은 정치.안보.경제.무역 및 문화교류에 대해 다각도로 논의할 예정이다. 또 양국은 이번 정상회담을 통해 더욱 국제적 입지를 서로 다져나기기로 할것이라고 청와대는 덧붙였다.

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