Why "Gye Ziel Hwa's shaman Painting"(계절화의 巫畵)
Why "Gye Ziel Hwa's shaman Painting"(계절화의 巫畵)
New Bridge between KOR-IND for ancient cultural tie
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2011.07.07 16:19
  • 댓글 0
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One meaningful cultural event, under the tile of "Gye Ziel Hwa's shaman Painting - Exploreation of Shiva Dance" was held July 6 at Indian culture center/ICC, focusing on Korea-India's ancient cultural ties.

Gye Ziel Hwa(계절화/季節花)'s improviation-based painting ⓒ대한뉴스

According to ICC, it was prepared for Koreans to get an opportunity to share and understand of bilateral ancient culture &way of thinking at each other.

Actually Gye Ziel Hwa(계절화/季節花) is a Korea's shaman, as well as Universal energy based talisman painter, who had already exhibited this unique genre in Greece and China last year.

"We think his spiritual world expressing the cosmic energy of creation and disappearance is very special and valuable. Thus his exhibition will be a bridge of expanding relationships between two countries " said a Chairperson of ICC, Banu Prakash.

And on that day when Gye Ziel Hwa was guestioned about Mu(巫) and Shamanism, he said that the both have the different interpretations.

"Korean language 'Mu' covers all concepts relating to the laws of Universe, national leader, and 'How to seek the truth'. This is why it's diffrenet from shamanism whose concept has limited on 'oracle' or 'human agent for gods' only "

The other point that we should watch closely is his new genre, what's called, 'Shaman-Painting'.

Regarding it, ICC said, " His artistic endeavors are also the philosophical grope to approch the significance of the existence by harmonizing the energy of the dynamic universal change together with the natural passion in the continuum of his shaman world "

Neverthless shaman has the most fundamental cosmic meaning, (because it deals with the universal reality as the origin of life), It's been true that Korean society never have positive approach by accepting it as one of the cultural study, while it has been demonized by us for a long time.

"For shaman has been the maternity and life of men itself throughout the history of human being from the primitive world " said a person who familiar with affairs from ICC.

Meanwhile, opening ceremony of this event saw more than 50 distinguished guests from culture &art's field, and they were extremely excited by Gye Ziel Hwa's improviation-based painting performance.

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