Your happiness is Korea's dynamic competitiveness
Your happiness is Korea's dynamic competitiveness
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.09.01 01:44
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Minister of Culture and Tourism(MCT), Kim Jong Min, presided a friendly talk with reporters Aug 31 in the morning at his reception hall.

As for him, this friendly talk has very significant meaning.

Because neverthless his efforts for the splendid Resurruction of Korean Wave(韓流), It's been true that MCT has faced foreign competitions, especially in the field of tour industry, with lots of fearless challenges from rival countries.

Today he stated his view frankly, regarding on the key solution how Korea could continue the culture & tourism's competitiveness, as the CEO of culture-based big business group named 'the Republic of Korea'

Q1) Could you tell us about your core-philosophy of administration for MCT ?

A1) At first glance, it may be sophisticated. But I dare to say it's concerning about whether or not, we walk in step very well according to the culture-based huge waves of global trend.

So when it comes to saying about philosophy of administration for MCT, it's my top priority. And then we may consider two parts essential when propel policy.

One is about all those need friend's hand related to financial sponsor, whether being tangeble or not, which should be from matured-awareness of society.

And the other's that we can not help taking the concept of business into account, at anywhere our policies have stretched themselves.

Thus if we create the most valuable harmony between the both in the administration's area, it would be an access to the Dynamic Korea.

Q2) So far as we know, MCT plans to reorganize administrative system, what's the background of it ?

A2) MCT has covered culture, tourism, and athletic's administration, with network of 'Division' and 'Breau'.

But because of more specificity-based administrative services we have to update, so we will have a new system with two main HQ based, what's called 'the carriage and pair' system.

One is HQ of cultural industry, the other's that of tourism industry.

We drive forward toward our goal with this two new, for more efficiency of MCT's administration.

Q3) Do you have any idea for Korea's active In-bound tour business ?

A3) Very keen question ! Actually MCT's idea is that of 'Internationalism-based Intra bound for tourism business.

But during past several years, as you may know, most of Korean tour companies have been much difficulty because of various reasons from home and abroad, occasionally forgetting our basic concep of how Korea's travel industry goes on.

So it may be a key for us to make balanced development of 'In-bound' and 'Out-bound' simultaneously, so as to Exodused from the Chaotic.

Q4) As for the real culture of company, MCT recently proceeds a fresh policy, what's called 'Cultural Expenses instead of Entertainment Expenses', Can you explain the story about it ?

A4) It's related to the problem of tax accounting,with a company's deduction of tax.

The cultural expenses will be treated preferentially in tax accounting.

This policy focused on its inducible attraction for all companies whenever they offer reception for customer with business-purposed.

Meanwhile Korea's cultural industry would get something more competitive, and business group can get elevated CI or BI by his voluntary participation.

Q5) Can you tell us any other policy which urgently be settled in 2007 ?

A5) Roughly speaking, we have to settle the pending problems of irregal copy rights, protecting intellectual property, including those from abroad.

And we prepare for FTA talks with E.U as well as U.S.

Lastly we should develop the attractive 'Land mark' for In-bound business as soon as possible !

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  • 발행일 : 2005-11-21
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