New Korea Wave in the Home Decorartin BIZ
New Korea Wave in the Home Decorartin BIZ
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.11.28 18:16
  • 댓글 0
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If any Korean was forced to be asked 'what's the most attractive item in Lotte Department Store', perhaps the most part of them would say 'I have interested in the brand, Park Hong Geun'
In addition if we ask 'Why', they used to say 'we have got feeling, something from those of combination between Korean and European style, whenever we look around all items from Park Hong Geun'

Recently a Korea-based company specializing 'home-fashion styled decorations' and marriage suppliers for the past 26 years, named 'Park Hong Geun', has been spotlighted due to its 'New Korea Wave'(新韓流), regarding on Home decoration's area.
So we met the CEO, Lee Sun Hee,for an interview what's going on with her.

Q1) Could you tell us the history of brand 'Park Hong Geun' ?

A1) It's a name of Korean designer, who had been very active in the design field of America. So it was she who established this company more than two decades ago in Korea, though she's in America, now.
Through my hard working with her, then I could learn her philosphy of design, and know what the fashion-based business is.
Especially I could realize the importance of 'creativity' in business, so it made me to become the 2nd CEO of 'Park Hong Geun'

Q2) As far as we know, aside from your manufacturing business relating to home-decorations as well as marriage suppliers, you already launched distribution business of household products, including furniture. Any special background ?
A2) It's done by our loyal customer's requests. Because, I dare to say, they wanted the various range of home decoration items, acrossing the global society.
So that's why we joined with existing importers of furniture, well-being items, and even toiletries, being with the win-win based cooperation.

Q3) Can you tell us about your philosophy of management ?
A3) I have regarded the network between company and home as the most important priority factor when it comes to mention about my management's spirit.
In a different saying, the peace from family will definitely make a company very rich and vigorous.
With an expression full of overtones, I can describe my management philosphy as 'the Maternal love-based management for business'

인터뷰 진행/김남규 기자 영문 Writer/국제부 이명근 기자

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  • 등록번호 : 서울 가 361호
  • 등록일자 : 2003-10-24
  • 인터넷신문 제호 : 대한뉴스(인터넷)
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  • 등록일자 : 2008-07-10
  • 발행일 : 2005-11-21
  • 발행인 : 대한뉴스신문(주) kim nam cyu
  • 편집인 : kim nam cyu
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