Automatic spray method of mobile deicing material and developing a leakage detection system, cultivating markets in Russia and Europe, CEO Kim, Hyun-Il of ND TECH
Automatic spray method of mobile deicing material and developing a leakage detection system, cultivating markets in Russia and Europe, CEO Kim, Hyun-Il of ND TECH
이동식 융설제 자동분사 방식․누수감지 시스템 개발, 러․유럽시장 개척, ND TECH 김현일 대표
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2014.12.11 13:08
  • 댓글 0
이 기사를 공유합니다

A must-system in computer system and chemical factory etc…… protection a big accident

‘ND TECH’ desires for being the number one company of a total carefor deicing and protection of deicing element in the world. This is why they have the entire system to protect snow accident by heavy snow, lately. CEO Kim, Hyun-Il of ND TECH explained, ““Nowadays, we have a climate changing over the world due to aggravation of global environmental issue such as unexpected storms and hails and heavy rains. As for heat rays and leakage detectionindustry has a bright future because of that reason, for example, heat rays has a high potential market opportunity in China, Russia, Canada and Hokkaido, Japan .


Having the Korean unique total technology of deicing and protection ice formation

Heating cable is a part of generating the heat directly, and it can be buried or detached to the equipment. Above the all, it lasts more than 40 years;therefore, it is semi-permanent and even has a great advantage on an aspect of economic calculation for its mechanical strength, security and heat resistance. ND TECH is on processing of the project of re-exporting to Japan that they took their latest mobile deicing material in an automatic spray, which is a snow melting system. In Korea, ND TECH only has its exclusive system like an electric heating cable using method, an electricdeicing pad using method, ICE STOP using method and an eco-friendly liquid spray equipment system overly.


Opening the new cutting edge technology like leakage detection

On the other hand, ND TECH has a leading technology in a leakage detection system industry in Korea. As we know, it will bring a terrible result if some various liquid including water from the big and high-rising building. So, ND TECHhad a R&D for a long time and now attacking the global market in China and other countries in Southeast Asia.

ND TECH’s leakage detection systemis easy to handle and no false and it is possible to check it out constantly with a fast detection function. It is available to recognize the information by LED and LCD alerts.

Besides, its specific character is that that fits all equipment like various information provision and interlocking system as well. Therefore, it can be used in a data systemroom, a control room, a computer room including a clean room, a machine room, an emergency room, an electric room, a reference room, a museum, a hospital, a school and even a resting room in many various places. CEO Kim is saying that his philosophy is solicitude. He said he has been trying to be leading by example in attitude for the public good. Because of CEO Kim, ND TECH’s hope in the future is awesome. This is ND TECH’s a strong point like it is a hidden champion with a global competition.

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