Korea's Wave(韓流) in Biotech and its beyond
Korea's Wave(韓流) in Biotech and its beyond
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2008.05.04 22:16
  • 댓글 0
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'A curiosity killed a cat !'

The above Western proverb recently has approached to our mind, developing our latent ability for curiosity-based business mind.

Because one Korea-based company, named 'Vitrosys', who specialized in R&D for various tissues of Korean Mountain Ginseng, and extracting mystic dried tissue cultured from it, has been spotlighted because of its new CEO J Y Park's philosophy of business, said the press in Korea.

According to them, aside from this company's development of the plant cell aggregate culture technology, the new CEO's philosophy may create 'Korean Wave'(韓流) in the field of global biotechnology.

So we could get a chance of interview with CEO ,reagrding what would be happen in 'Vitrosys' sooner and its portfolio for global business.

(CEO/ J Y Park)

Q1) Could you briefly summarize about Vitrosys ?

A1) We are the R&D based manufacturer of medical supplies and health food, extracted technically from Korean Mountain Ginseng.

Perhaps I dare to say, We unveil the noble mystery of legendary "Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer" to all cosmopolitans, though it's not easy and taken for a long time.

Q2) So far as we know, you plan to promote Mountain Ginseng to U.S market.

Any special background ?

A2) Chinese and Japanese know well about our moutain ginseng's everything.

But at the case of Americam people, though some of them understand of mountain ginseng, they've wanted to see any half-way material authorized biotechnically by science so as to check this mystic material by themselves.

So we propel this project for U.S market, as an anti-cancer medicine now.

Q3) Could you tell us about your philosophy of management, as a CEO ?

A3) I'd like to manage Vitrosys Corp with 'Humanism-based' philosophy of business, offering a dialogue plaza between the employes and the board of directors, where everybody is able to get opened mind, even calling in questions at anytime each other.

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  • 등록일자 : 2003-10-24
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  • 등록일자 : 2008-07-10
  • 발행일 : 2005-11-21
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