(Mickle Lee, International Div)
The official name of Taipei International airport has been called as 'Chang Kai Sek', commemorating the name of the first President of the Republic of China.
Neverthless this long history, its name was changed last year, which derived from political agenda by Democratic Progress party of Taiwan.
NowTaiwan R.O.C'snew government decided to use its original name, showing up 'One China but politically divided'.
편집국 국제부
OFF Line 내외대한뉴스 등록일자 1996년 12월4일(등록번호 문화가00164) 대한뉴스 등록일자 2003년 10월 24일 (등록번호:서울다07265) 일간대한뉴스 On Line 등록일자 2005년 9월6일 (등록번호 :서울아00037호)On-Off Line을 모두 겸비한 종합 매체입니다 |
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