Korea-EU Industrial Cooperation Day 2008
Korea-EU Industrial Cooperation Day 2008
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2008.12.11 00:21
  • 댓글 0
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There was a meaningful event, named 'Korea-EU Industrial Cooperation Day 2008, at Grand Hyatt Hotel on December 10.

According to organizer, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea/EUCCK, this event was made to celebrate various contribution to strengthening the relationship between EU and Korea, especially through the EU-Korea Award.

"This landmark event, which is organized every year in December represents an important milestone for the both economic and business area. For the bilateral side have always had strong business relations and despite the current economic turmoil" said EUCCK.

And Mr.Jean-Jacque Grauhar, Secretary General of EUCCK said ' Tonight's event definitely would be an importance milestone for the Chamber in the overall strategy of raising the profile of the EU business community in Korea '

" Today EU remains the largest investors here, as well as one of the biggest trading partners. Perhaps considering that the EU-Korea FTA is stepping up to a satisfactory stage, the both's economical portfolio would be very optimistic, seeing some result very soon " he added it.

Meanwhile today's event saw the participation of Prime Minisetr Han Seung-soo, including VIPs from government, and more than 30 newspapermen.

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