Do-It-Yourself, Core of Education
Do-It-Yourself, Core of Education
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2009.04.11 21:53
  • 댓글 0
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One Taiwan-based toy factory, named Mutou Wood Magic Factory in Taichung, has been spotlighted because it used as a chalkface for art education.

It's true that many groups of excited children gathered around this factory, because they learned how to use a do-it-yourself woodworking kit there.

So, according to Taiwan Journal, the attraction has drawn more than 200 groups, or nearly 10,000 visitors, for several months the beginning of 2009.

"Most of the artwork students complete in school are one-dimensional, but art can take forms with many more possibilities,” CEO Chiang said.

“When students get a chance to make articles for daily use such as a stool, chair, or storage box, they begin to grasp the idea that art can play a practical role in their lives. This in turn can spark their creativity and motivation.” he added.

대만 다이쭝에 있는 한 목각인형 공장이 예술교육을 위한 생생한 현장으로 활용되고 있어 화제가 되고있다.

최근 대만 저널에 따르면, 스스로 만들어 창의력을 키우는 ‘Do-It-Yourself' 학생들이 올들어 1만명 이상 이 공장을 방문해 현장 실습을 통해 창의력을 키웠다는 것.

이 공장 장 사장에 따르면, 입체적으로 스스로 공장에서 목각을 만들며 창의성과 예술성을 키우는 학생과 지도교사들이 점점 늘고 있다.

(사진제공/타이완 저널)

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