Samsung Electronics Links The World To The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games
Samsung Electronics Links The World To The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2009.06.24 10:25
  • 댓글 0
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Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the Worldwide Olympic Partner for Wireless Communications Equipment, today unveiled its Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games theme, “Discover Your Every WOW Moment,” and Games-related programs – including its Team Samsung athletes – at the company’s event in Vancouver on June 23, International Olympic Day.

Samsung launched a new program to link fans to the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games using Samsung’s Wireless Olympic Works (WOW) and their mobile phones. For the first time fans around the world will be able to download and install the WOW Public Application from Samsung’s website ( to receive real-time information and updates from the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games on their Samsung mobile phones.

Cooperation with Atos Origin and Omega under the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games’ (VANOC) coordination will enable Samsung to deliver the seamless WOW service for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Official Results will be powered by Atos Origin. Timing and results will be managed by Omega.

“The Olympic Games are much more than sports and competition; they are about community, camaraderie and individuals challenging themselves to find inspiration and achieve excellence,” said Gyehyun Kwon, vice president and head of Worldwide Sports Marketing, Samsung Electronics. “Likewise, Samsung seeks to use mobile phone technology and our sponsorship to unify people around the world and help them discover their own WOW moments during the Olympic Games.”

“The Vancouver 2010 Winter Games will be full of `wow’ moments, from the breathtaking scenery to thrilling moments of triumph in our world-class sport venues,” said John Furlong, VANOC’s chief executive officer. “A global leader in wireless technology, Samsung will help share these moments with sports fans around the world, including on handsets for the first time in Olympic history. This is in addition to the more than 7,000 individual pieces of telecommunications equipment they’re contributing to the Games. Both are examples of how Samsung’s expertise is contributing to the overall experience and flawless delivery of the 2010 Games.”

Samsung introduced members of Team Samsung, a group of high-profile brand ambassadors who represent the spirit of the Olympic Games and will share their WOW sports moments with fans all over the world. Led by ice hockey legend and Olympian Wayne Gretzky, Team Samsung will consist of Hayley Wickenheiser, three-time Olympic Games medalist with two golds and one silver; and Jarome Iginla, NHL All-Star, two-time Olympian and Olympic Games gold medalist.

“It’s an honour to lead Team Samsung as the Olympic Games returns to Canada in 2010,” said Wayne Gretzky. “As part of Team Samsung, I know the company is truly dedicated to sports and mobile phone technology. Through the power of its innovative wireless technologies, I expect Samsung will link fans around the world to the Games so we can experience the excitement together.”

Samsung also unveiled its Samsung Olympic Visual Identity System (SOVIS) and previewed design concepts and plans for the Olympic Rendezvous @ Samsung (OR@S). SOVIS combines the Samsung logo and brand attributes with elements that represent the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. The design is inspired by the shape of a mobile phone, the beautiful scenery of Vancouver and incorporates the “Inukshuk,” a symbol of friendship and harmony in Canada. The new SOVIS will be used during Samsung’s 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games-related marketing events and promotional activities.

OR@S, located at David Lam Park, will become the epicenter of Samsung’s activities during the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games, providing engaging experiences and unique WOW moments for fans and athletes. It will showcase the brand’s innovative mobile phone technologies, provide live entertainment and serve as a retreat for athletes and spectators. Samsung will also take an eco-friendly approach to some extent in constructing the OR@S and will provide visitors with easy and intuitive product experiences. OR@S debuted during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and has become a popular meeting spot, hosting more than 3 million people to date.

Samsung also announced its “Samsung Mobile Explorers” program set to launch in August 2009 to spread the excitement of the Games across the world. Around fifty lucky university students from all over the world will be selected as Samsung’s Mobile Explorers getting an opportunity to share their personal experience at the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games. The contest will be open to university students in Canada, the Republic of Korea and other countries to be announced at a later date. Each Mobile Explorer will be equipped with the latest Samsung mobile phone to capture their unique WOW moments by sharing their extraordinary Olympic Games stories through text messaging and online posts.

올림픽 무선통신분야 공식 후원사인 삼성전자가 국제올림픽의 날인 23일 ‘밴쿠버 동계올림픽 캠페인 발표회’를 개최하고 본격적인 올림픽 체제로의 돌입을 선언했다.

캐나다 밴쿠버 웨스틴 베이쇼어(Westin Bayshore)호텔에서 개최된 이 날 캠페인 발표회에는 존 펄롱(John Furlong) 밴쿠버올림픽 조직위원회(VANOC) 위원장과 고든 캠벨 (Gordon Campbell) 브리티시컬럼비아(British Columbia)주 수상을 비롯하여, 삼성전자 스포츠마케팅그룹 권계현(權桂賢)상무, 북미총괄의 데이빗 스틸(David Steel)상무, 캐나다법인(SECA) 이용일(李龍一)상무 등이 참석했다.

‘Discover your every WOW moment’를 테마로 한 삼성전자의 이번 밴쿠버올림픽 마케팅은 WOW와 삼성올림픽 통합디자인 시스템(SOVIS), 친환경 홍보관 OR@S 등으로 대표되는 차별화된 삼성전자만의 마케팅 전략을 펼쳐 나갈 예정이다.

특히 지난 올림픽과 달리 삼성 스마트폰에서 프로그램만 다운받으면 실시간으로 올림픽 관련 정보에 누구나 접속할 수 있는 Public WOW(Wireless Olympic Works)를 최초로 선보여 보다 많은 사람들이 참여할 수 있는 무선 올림픽을 구현해 낼 방침이다.

또한 세계적인 그래픽 디자이너 브루스 마우(Bruce Mau)가 삼성의 휴대전화와 밴쿠버의 아름다운 풍경, 밴쿠버올림픽 마스코트인 이눅슈크(Inukshuk) 등을 결합해 디자인한 삼성올림픽 통합디자인 시스템(SOVIS, Samsung Olympic Visual Identity System)도 처음으로 일반에 공개되었다.

이번 밴쿠버올림픽에서 삼성전자는 캐나다의 전설적인 아이스하키 영웅인 웨인 그레츠키(Wayne Gretzky)를비롯해 제롬 이긴라(Jarome Iginla), 헤일리 위켄하이저(Hayley Wickenheiser) 등 캐나다 아이스하키 최고 스타들로 구성된 ‘팀 삼성(Team Samsung)’을 홍보대사로 선정, 이들을 통해 올림픽을 전후하여 삼성전자와 관련한 다양한 올림픽 마케팅 활동을 펼칠 예정이다.

이와 함께 삼성전자는 올림픽 마케팅의 전초기지가 될 올림픽 홍보관 OR@S(Olympic Rendezvous @ Samsung)의 디자인 개념을 처음 공개했으며, 한국, 캐나다, 미국, 러시아, 중국 등 5개국에서 최초로 동시 선발, 운영될 글로벌 애니콜리포터 프로그램인 ‘삼성 모바일 익스플로러(Samsung Mobile Explorers)’계획도 소개했다.

삼성전자 스포츠마케팅그룹의 권계현상무는 “삼성의 앞선 최첨단 무선통신 기술력을 바탕으로 이번 밴쿠버 올림픽에서는 더 많은 사람들이 동참하고 공감할 수 있는 무선 올림픽이 될 수 있도록 노력할 것”이라면서 “그 간의 올림픽마케팅 경험을 바탕으로 이번 밴쿠버 올림픽을 통해 삼성 브랜드의 정서적 일체감과 신뢰를 한층 더 끌어올릴 것을 목표로 하고 있다”고 말했다.

삼성전자는 지난 1998년 나가노 동계올림픽부터 공식 후원사로 참가하고 있으며, 지난 올림픽 후원의 경험을 바탕으로 차별화된 스포츠 마케팅을 전개해 나갈 방침이다.

21회 밴쿠버 동계올림픽은 스키, 피겨스케이팅, 쇼트트랙 등 20개 종목에 걸쳐 2010년 2월12일부터 28일까지 캐나다 밴쿠버에서 펼쳐질 예정이다.

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