Haerang Tour to be the new Korea's Wave(韓流)
Haerang Tour to be the new Korea's Wave(韓流)
KORAIL TOURSERVICE Co.,Ltd's CEO with newspapermen from Taiwan
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2009.12.21 14:06
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December 19-20, 2010 saw one meaningful event, hosted by KORAIL TOURSERVICE Co.,Ltd(CEO : Kil Ki Yon), where we could find lots of newspapermen from Taiwan as well as domestic.

" I have never heard about 'Haerang' Tour till now. But here I can understand why lots of Japanese and Hongkong people had focused on it " said a reporter from CNA, Taiwan.

On that day, there were domestic reporters from Moneytoday, Segye.com, including those from CNA, Taiwan Marcoview TV, and Shinshengbao Daily from Taiwan, who invited by KORAIL TOURSERVICE Co.,Ltd for promotion of 'Haerang' tour service, the top quality in the field of railway cruise in Korea.

The CEO, Kil Ki Yon said, ' It's been true that railway had been regarded as only one of the transportation measures by us. But we re-program about Korea's future of tour industry with 'Haerang', a Deluxe Hotel room running on a railway, making it as one of our Korea's prides in tour industry field '

" Recently we joined with JTB, one of the biggest tour companies in Japan. Besides Around the Chinese New Year's day, we will launch a special Haerang tour for Hongkong visitors only " he continued, " So that's why we prepare this event especially for distinguished Taiwanese newspapermen "

Lastly when it comes to saying 'WHY Taiwan', He pointed out that firstly Taiwan has been the best friend of Korea, though no bilateralofficial diplomatic relation, secondly the both exsist closely, creating active exchange of people in the field of trade and tour.

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