WHY Culture and History in Tour ?
WHY Culture and History in Tour ?
Buddhism pilgrimage tour plus Ayurveda, two Duumvirate of tour to India
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2010.04.07 23:14
  • 댓글 0
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Recently a Korea-based Tour company, named 'Myoungbo International Tour' has been spotlighted among travel & tourism industry because of CEO's business philosphy focusing on cultural history-based tour in India.

Especially regarding on Myoungbo's efforts to re-construct India-Korea's peope to people diplomatic relation by specialized Buddhism pilgrimage tours, our curiosity was so peaked that we could have an interview with President, Kim Tae-Jun to sketch his roadmap in culture-based business.

Q1) We know that you have specialized in introducing various historic site related to Buddhism such as remains of Nalanda Buddhism University, as well as pilgrimage tour. Could you tell us this year's any new plan ?
A1) This year will definately see our strong aspiration of business in India, too. But from this year on, we focus on the two cultural tour items.
One is to introduce as many as Koreans about everything from Nalanda Buddhism University which had been constructed more than 1,500 years ago. And the other is that we'd like to find any possibility whether tour with Ayurveda in Southern India, which is a India-based traditional healing system, can join with our existing tour program or not. Because the word 'Ayurveda' is more and more familiar to Koreans now.

Q2) People say, Myungbo's business character is very particular. That is to say, you have emphasised on importance of cutural exchange through history & culture based tour. So do you have any special background ?
A2) We think there are three kinds of diplomacy. Firstly it's political dipolomacy, and the second is for achievement of economical relation such as this year's effectiveness of CEPA between Korea and India. Last stage is the fullfillment of people to people relation & cultural dipolomacy.
As for the last stage I had just mentioned, we dare to say that culture & history based tour will be a key solutuion to make a friendship with any other country very fastly.
That's why we focus on Buddhism pilgrimage tour in India, now.

Q3) So far we we know, your business philosophy used to be the talk of the town due to its specialty. Can you say about it ?
A3) Actually it's nothing to brag about it. When do business at anywhere and anythime, we have pursued 'Transparency Managemet'. That's all !

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