Across the world with Wellness of Red Ginseng
Across the world with Wellness of Red Ginseng
Sungshin BST Co.,Ltd unveils CEO's BIZ Philosophy
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2010.09.07 00:56
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한국홍삼제품개발 외고집 10년, 성신비에스티(주)

홍원표 대표이사, 인삼(人蔘)은 또하나의 한류(韓流)

Ginseng, the leader of "Wellness" Korean Wave(韓流), is any one of eleven distinct species of slow-growing perennial plants with fleshy roots, belonging to the Panax genus in the family Araliaceae.

Especially 'Korean red ginseng extract' has been spotlighted, as the core item of Korean Wellness, among many Asian countries including China, as well as the Middle East since the age of new Millennium.

For more understanding about 'WHY Korean red ginseng extract', we could have an interview with Hong, Won-Pyo, CEO of Sungshin BST Co.,Ltd, a Korea-based specialized maker of ginseng extract.

Q 1) We know you have specialized in producing all kinds of ginseng extract for domestic as well as foreign distributors. Could you possible introduce briefly about Sungshin BST ?

A 1) We are a wellness material exporter, through R & D activity with Korean ginseng. So we have continued to develop and find the new materials by extraction of the core from various ginsengs.

But we are a manufacturer only. so when it comes to exporting business, we used to use our affiliated company, G S Korea Co's network.

Q 2) Any special background of company foundation ?

A 2) I dare to say, Management is right for me. That's why I could establish Sungshin BST.

Second reason is that I had have many chances of studying knowhow of ginseng's development in the health functional food's area.

As you know, Korean ginseng's quality has been approved as No 1 by global market. So my mission was, 'How efficiently find wellness material as much as possible'

Q 3) Could you tell us your business philosophy, and 2010-2011 business plan ?

A 3) Though we are a profit creation-based company, we really approach all business with a fundamental concept that 'Ginseng is one of Korean wave's trend'

This means that Sungshin BST should sell all ginseng's extract and our traditional way of life, culture, as well.

And regarding business plan in the future, we 'd like to focus on 'More positive participation of overseas exhibition', which would enable us to get new foreign customers.

Q 4) So far as we know, you plan to J/V with ILHWA Co.,Ltd, one of the top-level health functional food makers in Korea. Is it true ?

A 4) Yes, It's true. We plan to construct a giant material processing plant with them within 2 years. But regarding 'How' & 'Where', we will next time unveil it.

I will be thanksful if you understand that there are many business secret in the big project.

Q 5) Some people said, it's right time for you to start your brand business.

How do you think about it ?

A 5) It's nice comment ! But our strong point is that we have been able to extract the new material from ginsengs for a long time with our own technology.

So exporting with our own brand need more time. Because brand marketing is not so simple.

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