Miyazaki's Hideo Higashikokubaru(東國原 英夫 宮崎縣知事)
Miyazaki's Hideo Higashikokubaru(東國原 英夫 宮崎縣知事)
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.07.06 01:39
  • 댓글 0
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(Hideo Higashikokubaru, the governor of Miyazaki Prefecture/Japan )

The celebration party, named 'Miyazaki's Night', hosted by Japan's Miyazaki Prefecture, was held July 9 at Lotte Hotel in Seoul with lots of distinguished guestes, most of which were concerned on travel service and tour business.

Its aim was to make more frequent exchange of tour between Korea and Japan's Miyazaki, where has offered the relaxation-based 'fantastic family tour' as well as golf program for all visitors.

We could have an interview with Hideo Higashikokubaru there, the governor of Miyazaki Prefecture, who regarded as the star due to the price of his fame among Japanese.

Q1) Cosidering that Miyazaki's golf course has been famous, if you join with Korean professional golfers, More Korean golfers may join with your golf program.

How do you think about that ?

A1) We think it's good. Though we have had athletic exchanges with Korea such as professional baseball and soccer, we will take this problem into consideration very deeply as soon as I come back, for the both's more lubricated exchange of golf maniac.

Q2) Could you tell us about how many Koreans would visit Miyazaki in this year ?

A2) Last year we saw appx 30,000 Korean visitors in Miyazaki. Our plan is annual 5% up every year. But it may be more important for us to cultivate effectively Miyazaki's tourists outbound to Korea as many as possible.

Meanwhile more 50 Japanese reporters, most of them flied from Japan with Hideo Higashikokubaru, gathered to cover articles about him, making competition in coverage.

And appx local 100 attendants, including those from Japan, enjoyed celebration meeting filled with cultural aroma of Miyazaki.

‘미야자키 현(宮崎縣) 觀光의 밤’ 行事가 9일 오후 7시 소공동 롯데호텔에서 열렸다.

家族旅行의 樂園, 그리고 Golf 至尊이라 불리는 日本의 미야자키 현의 관광홍보와 兩國간의 民間交流擴大를 위한 이날 행사에서 최고의 스포트라이트는 미야자키 현의 ‘히가시코쿠바루’(東國原 英夫)지사였다.

그의 日本내 人氣를 반영한듯, 50여名의 主要 日本言論記者들이 同行했다.

‘히가시코쿠바루’(東國原 英夫)지사는 日刊대한뉴스와의 인터뷰를 통해 ‘韓國관광객이 미야자키를 찾는것도 중요하지만, 일본 미야자키 觀光客이 韓國을 찾는것도 더 중요하다’고 强調하면서 골프장 시설이 뛰어난 미야자키에서 韓國 프로골퍼들과 많은 交流를 갖기를 희망한다고 말했다.

이어 그는 미야자키를 찾는 한국인 관광객수를 묻는 記者의 질문에 현재 年間 약 3萬명이라고 밝히며 매년 5% 정도의 增加를 目標로 하고있다고 덧붙였다.

한편 이날행사에는 韓國 文化觀光部의 김 찬(金 讚)觀光局長도 초청되어, 歡迎辭를 진행, 눈길을 끌었으며, JNTO 서울사무소의 ‘다니 하루꼬’ 소장, 미야자키 서울사무소의 ‘무나카타 유키’를 비롯, 日本과 韓國 觀光業界의 VIP 들이 많이 참석하였다.

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