Navteq Korea would be beautiful with L.B.S
Navteq Korea would be beautiful with L.B.S
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.08.01 23:54
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(Left/Patrick SuhSales Div's V.P Right/William Langdon Country manager)

Navteq, the U.S based global company specialized in cyber map information especially for automative nevigation system, recently offered the press released to announce about their opening Navteq Korea.

Neverthless we attended Navteq's friendly talks with reporters, Our curiosity was peaked, and we sought an interview with Patrick Suh, Sales Vice President as well as William Langdon, Country manager.

We hoped to hear any dynamic business story, which may be the conerstone of new era in the field of digital map information.


So we could met the both, having an interview with them.


Q1) Could you tell us Navteq Korea's BIZ porfolio in the future ?

A1) Perhaps we may focus on the 2 main plans we'd like to propel.

The first is about the more advanced quality problem that nobody has dreamed of before.

Then the second is that we would do the win-win based business with our partners, even competitors, cultivation each other, which definitely lead our friends to create the new overseas market like America.

Because our U.S based Navteq HQ has been charmed by Korea's manpower of IT industry.


Q2) Can you explain about your challenge program, named 'LBS' ?

A2) Officially LBS means 'Location-Based Service'. As you know, Korea has been spotlighted because of lots of well-educated IT's manpower, whose total in number would be more 150,000 in Korea.

So we want to make a human-based network of all those from IT industry, so as to share and co-create the new solution and technology toward the global market.

That's why we have focused on LBS in Korea, sharing all opportunities of new business in the 'Blue Ocean'

NAVTEQ is a leading provider of comprehensive digital map information for automotive navigation systems, mobile navigation devices, Internet-based mapping applications, and government and business solutions.

NAVTEQ creates the digital maps and map content that power navigation and location-based services solutions around the world, with global network of168 offices in 30 countries.

취재 국제부 이명근 기자/사진 구건우 기자


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  • 등록번호 : 서울 가 361호
  • 등록일자 : 2003-10-24
  • 인터넷신문 제호 : 대한뉴스(인터넷)
  • 인터넷 등록번호 : 서울 아 00618
  • 등록일자 : 2008-07-10
  • 발행일 : 2005-11-21
  • 발행인 : 대한뉴스신문(주) kim nam cyu
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