The 5th UNPAN and Korea's e-Government Workshop
The 5th UNPAN and Korea's e-Government Workshop
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.10.23 22:48
  • 댓글 0
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The 5th UNPAN and Korea's e-Government Workshop

The international conference, the 5th UNPAN and Korea's e-Government Workshop

presided by Korea's Ministry of Asministration and Home Affairs/MOGAHA, with 39 distinguished attendants from UN, was held Octber 23 at Koreana Hotel.

Mr.Yang-Sik Choi, the 1st Vice Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs, through welcoming speech, said 'This international opportunity will definately lead many countries to realize again the importance of efficiency and transparency in the field of administration'

'So we are sure that we can share our various experiences here, finding a key solution for more lubricated exchanges between government and citizens' he added.

Meanwhile, today's afternoon saw UNPAN member's training workshop, and On October 24 would have the two sessions, focusing on Korea's e-Government system.

The United nations Public Administration Network(UNPAN) is a virtual electronic network that promotes the sharing of knowledge and exchange of innovative practices in public policies and management at local, national, subregional, and international levels.

Today we had an interview simultaneously with Lee In-Jae, Chief/e-Government Learning Center of MOGAHA, and Lu Wei Qun, Director of Shanghai Internet Economy Consulting Center/SIECC.

(Mr.Yang-Sik Choi, the 1st Vice Minister of MOGAHA)

Q1) Unfortunately we can not see any guests from Taiwan, R.O.C. How do you think about that ? Any plan to invite Taiwanese guests for this kind of UN society-based conference in the future ?

A1) We do not have any regulation against Taiwanese guest's attending. We, Korea government, always welcome their active participation.

Q2) This question is for Mr.Lu from China, What about your opinion ?

A2) Any guest from Taiwan, whether or not he's a newspaperman, should participate in it. Because this is a UN society-based international forum, focusing on what the best way is for being the more advanced government for people.

I think, Taiwanese government definately has a duty as well as responsibility for researching the most efficient way of administration's area for people, sharing their experiences with us.

(좌측 : 최양식 행정자치부 次官)

행정자치부가 추진해온 전자정부 시스템이 유엔의 관심을 불러 모으고 있다.

행정자치부와 UNPAN(United Nations Public Administration Network)은 23일 코리아나 호텔에서 전자정부의 워크 샾을 겸한 제 5회 UNPAN e-Knowledge 경영및 훈련 포럼을 개최했다.

오는 26일까지 계속되는 이 워크 샾 개막에서, 최양식 행정자치부 차관은 환영사를 통해 '이번 포럼은 한국정부가 추진해 온 전자정부 시스템이 유엔에서도 인정받는 중요한 계기가 될 것' 이라며 '특히 UNPAN및 유엔 산하관련국에서 온 전문가들로 부터 좋은 지식경험을 공유할 수 있는 場이 될것'이라고 말했다.

행정자치부 전자본부(본부장:서필언)의 이인재 교육센터장은 이날 영어로 사회를 진행했다. 오후에는 각국에서온 UNPAN 멤버들의 트레이닝을 겸한 워크 샾이 있었다.

한편, 대만측의 참석여부를 묻는 이명근 기자의 질문에 행정자치부 측은 '대만 기자들이 많이 와서 취재해 주었으면 좋겠다'고 말했고, 陸爲群 상해 인터넷 컨슐팅 센터장은 '이번 UNPAN과 한국 행정자치부의 전자정부 포럼은 각국 정부가 효율적인 행정을 펼치기위한 범 세계적인 추세를 대변하는것이라고 말하면서, 대만이던 중국이던 각각 인민들을 더욱 잘 살게하기위한 책임.의무가 있기에 UNPAN의 전자정부에 대한 포럼을 통한 경험과 지식의 공유(公有)야말로 대만과 중국의 공상(共想)이라고 덧붙였다.

국제부 이명근 기자/외교통상부 및 행정자치부 出入記者

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