Minister Song at the John F. Kennedy Jr.Forum of Havard Univ
Minister Song at the John F. Kennedy Jr.Forum of Havard Univ
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.11.06 22:41
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Foreign Minister Song Min-soon delivered an address at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum of Harvard University on November 5 on "Northeast Asia and the ROK-US Alliance: Why the Alliance is Vital for the Region and for the US".

According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MOFAT, Minister Song, pointed out that Northeast Asia had gone through a series of turbulent changes over the

past century and emerged as the most dynamically developing region in the world today, stated that the region, at the same time, is marked by political and security uncertainties that inherently lurk behind the region's dynamic growth.

Against this background, he said, the challenges for Northeast Asia is to

prevent friction and antagonism among the countries in the region and to manage regional security through constructive engagement, dialogue and cooperation.

And Minister Song stressed that the Korea-US alliance has served as a stabilizing force in the region for the past 50 years, and that the priority of the alliance today is to successfully manage the changes taking place on the Korean peninsula, including the forthcoming transformation of the armistice regime into a permanent peace regime, and that the alliance should also move forward to actively tackle the regional and global challenges.

Regarding the Korea-US relations, He explained that Korea and the United States are suitable for playing such roles, considering their geographical location, the benefit of being free from controversies over history and strategic interests. Comparing Korea's role in the region to the function of a ball-bearing in a machine,

he emphasized that the Korea-US alliance makes the ball-bearings strong and function effectively.

In addition, Minister Song pointed out that the objective and vision of the Korea US alliance, which are denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, turning the armistice into a peace agreement, promoting democracy, freedom and prosperity through peaceful reunification of Korea, institutionalizing regional security and cooperation dialogue and securing the continued role of the United States as a stabilizer.

'The both should expand cooperation in economic and social fields such as the rearrangement of the alliance, the conclusion of the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement and the ongoing efforts for Korea's joining the US Visa Waiver Program, and on major international issues such as the situation in the Middle East and counter-terrorism' he added.

Lastly as for North Korea's nuclear programs, Minister Song said that North Korea's nuclear program remains an imminent threat to the security of the region as well as a serious challenge to the global non-proliferation regime, and explained that Korea and the United States maintain close consultations, including the undertaking of a "common and broad approach" for resolving the North Korean nuclear issue in a peaceful manner, paving the way for the implementation of the agreements reached at the Six-Party Talks on February 13 and on October 3.

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